Health Centre

Health Centre

The Health Centre is located in the main admin block and is staffed every day from 8.30am to 3.30pm by a registered nurse. Our role is to provide support and administer first aid to students or staff who become unwell or are injured during school hours. Please do not send your daughter to school if she is not well enough to function properly.

The Health Centre is open to students before school, at interval and at lunch time. If students become unwell during class time, they will be issued a health note by the class teacher so that they can visit the Health Centre.

The nurses will assess the student’s medical needs and contact a caregiver or emergency contact if they need to be sent home. Very often students can be treated and sent back to class. Students must follow the correct procedures in the case of illness and they are not allowed to make their own arrangements by texting or calling parents or caregivers to collect them from school.


Please keep your contact details updated so that we can make contact should the need arise.

We also have four full time Counsellors at Westlake Girls, for more information please see the Learning Enhancement page.

Health Nurses
Ashia Ismail-Singer
Sally McGhee

Phone: 09 489 4169 Ext. 759
Email: [email protected]

Labour Day Next Monday

Monday 28 October is a public holiday (Labour Day) and school is closed.