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Some resources for lockdown

There are lots of great resources to help us get through the Lockdown with our families and sanity intact. We’ve pulled together a few that we think are particularly good:

These real-time resilience tips are in English, Simplified English, Korean and Chinese.

Simplified English


School Planner

This HANDY PLANNER is a fillable PDF that you can use to plan your days, making the most of the times you know you are most productive. You can type directly into the slots and tick them off once completed.

We know many of you will have other commitments and responsibilities as well, so include them in your planner and don’t forget to schedule in some breaks for food and exercise.  This way you can ensure you have allocated the time required to your studies and maintaining a schedule while you are distance learning. This is a great opportunity for you to take some control over your learning and demonstrate the key competency of managing self.

Having a routine is vital at a time like this, so use the planner either in a digital format or print it off and write on it. Make sure you keep it visible while you are doing your school work.


NZ Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience
You might like to check out the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience: They have pages dedicated to Covid-19.

Dealing with Disappointment
If you are looking for some ways to support your sporty daughter through the disappointment of organised sport being cancelled, there are some great tips in here written by a New Zealander:

Beat the Boredom
Teen Resilience Coach, Kate Fitzsimons, has created this podcast to help students beat the boredom during the school holidays: It will help them get ‘‘unstuck” from boredom by showing them how to find way more fun, purpose and enjoyment in what’s currently our ”new norm”.

Tackle the lockdown with Attitude!
Attitude, the teen arm of The Parenting Place has put together this awesome 4-minute video to help teens “survive” their family during lockdown.