Ms Reema Abueideh |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Mr Will Anderton |
Technology |
Christine Aspden (Chrissy) |
Mathematics |
Mrs Lizzie Beaumont |
Technology |
Ms Geetu Bhanot |
Science |
Ms Devanshi Bhavsar |
Science, Biology, STEAM, STEAM Programme Coordinator for 2024, Across School Lead for Te Kāhui Ako o Pupuke. |
Dr Stephen Bier |
Mathematics, Physics and STEAM |
Mr Kendall Blue |
TIC Earth & Space Science |
Mrs Rebecca Bouterey On Maternity Leave |
PE Health |
Miss Tayla Boyd On Maternity Leave |
PE Health |
Mr Martin Brennan |
English |
Ms Kay Brown On Refreshment Leave |
TIC Classical Studies, Social Sciences |
Mr Greg Burnard |
Social Sciences |
Mrs Deborah Cachopa |
Science, TIC Scholarship |
Ms Ella Campbell |
Social Sciences |
Ms Belinda Cannan |
TIC Drama |
Miss Rachel Carson |
Assistant HOD Music |
Miss Louise Clouston |
Technology and TIC Hospitality |
Ms Madison Coelho |
Science, Biology, STEAM |
Mrs Anna Cooper |
Visual Arts |
Mrs Frances Cross |
Health & PE |
Miss Renae Dodds |
PE Health |
Mrs Helen Drabble |
Languages |
Mr Charles Dugmore |
English |
Ms Jane Edge |
English |
Ms Leah Fletcher |
Social Sciences |
Mrs Myra Francis |
Languages, Social Studies and ESOL |
Mr Joaquin Gines |
Spanish |
Mr Leo Goh |
Social Science (Economics) |
Mrs Dorinda Grobler |
Business Studies |
Mr Iain Guthrie |
Social Sciences and Business Studies |
Ms Kasey Hani Lui |
Music Administrator |
Ms Rebecca Hay |
Technology, TIC Digital Technology |
Ms Ruby Hermansen |
Social Studies |
Mr Stacey Hooks |
Social Sciences |
Mr Jono Howan |
Music, STEAM |
Mr Marwan Juma |
Science, Biology |
Miss Jiyoung Jun |
Science |
Ms Karen Kennedy |
Te Reo Māori |
Ms Sun Mee Kim |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Miss Sumin Kim |
Science |
Sarisha Kormal |
English |
Mrs Kate Lawrence |
English |
Ms Kat Lee |
English, Specialist Classroom Teacher |
Ms Joo Yeon Lee |
Music, Mathematics |
Ms Beatrice O Lee Puetting |
Mathematics |
Ms Catherine Lin |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Mrs Ruth Linnell |
English |
Ms Ashley Longstaff |
Technology |
Ms Akira Maharaj |
Science |
Mrs Farah Majid |
Science |
Mrs Lizzi McCormack |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Miss Ashley McKenzie |
PE Health and Within School Lead (WSL) for the Pupuke Kahui Ako |
Mrs Bethan Meikle |
Technology |
Ms Pamela Meyer (Maternity Leave) |
PE Health |
Ms Maureen Mitchley |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Ms Nina Monk |
English |
Mrs Melissa Nielsen (Maternity Leave) |
PE Health |
Ms Lisa Oddy |
Visual Arts |
Kasia O’Neill |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Mr Jono Palmer |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Ms Olga Pascan |
English |
Mrs Katie Pearson |
TIC Media Studies, English |
Miss Holly Pearson |
PE Health |
Mrs Gail Pocock |
PE Health |
Mr Dan Rennie |
Business Studies |
Mr Victor Rosendale |
ESOL, Social Sciences |
Ms Amanda Rubick |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Mr Kameron Sadler |
Social Sciences |
Mr Brett Scoones |
Science |
Ms Courtenay See |
PE Health |
Mrs Kate Segetin |
Technology |
Mrs Sheela Shankar |
Business Studies, Technology |
Ms Irena Smolko |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Mrs Hi Sung Son |
Visual Arts, Technology |
Miss Catherine Stokes |
Biology and TIC Junior Science |
Mrs Rico Sugiyama |
Mathematics and Statistics, Languages |
Mr Paul Summerville |
TIC Design & Visual Communication, Principal’s Nominee (Acting) |
Ms Toa Tanimo |
PE Health, Pasifika Mentor, Outdoor Education |
Ms Amy Thomas |
English |
Mr Geoff Thompson |
Social Science (Business) |
Ms Susana Tomaz (Study Leave) |
Mrs Alex van der Loos |
TIC Year 12 Chemistry |
Ms Courtney van Raalte |
Media Studies, English |
Miss Carmina Villaruel |
Social Sciences |
Mrs Giesela Visser-Heydon |
Dance |
Ms Liz Waite |
English |
Ms Sarah Ward |
English |
Ms Morgan Wensley (Maternity Leave) |
Social Sciences |
Mr Simon Whittam |
Social Sciences |
Ms Ella Wilson |
Social Sciences |
Mr Rik Wilson |
Visual Arts |
Ms Sarah Woodward |
Social Sciences |
Ms Elaine Xu |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Dr Yongbin Zhao |
Mathematics and Statistics |