On Thursday 24 February, our school is holding an “Online Learning Morning”, where students will work from home to ensure they are able to access Google classrooms should we need to instigate remote learning at any stage.
For the first three periods of the day, your daughter will need to log into her Google Classroom at the time she would normally be attending her class. Teachers will test a range of activities which could include a short Google Meet. Students will be directed by their teachers once they log into Google Classrooms.
It’s a Day 9 on her Timetable, there will be no Form Time, and the Periods are:
9.10 – 10.10am: Period 1
10.10 – 11.05am: Period 2
11.05 – 11.30am: Break time
11.30 – 12.25pm: Period 3
After Period 3, your daughter has the afternoon available to continue completing her set work. In the afternoon, a PPTA Paid Union Meeting is being held, so teachers will be unavailable.
If she’s unable to connect to the school system via her laptop, please email support@westlakegirls.school.nz and someone will assist you.
If your daughter is aged under 14 years and would be home without adult or older sibling supervision, the school’s Library will be available all day. If your daughter needs to be onsite in the Library, please email Rachel Bickerstaffe at rbickerstaffe@westlakegirls.school.nz