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25 October: Important changes for senior students

Following updated information from the Ministry of Education this morning (Monday), our Senior Leadership Team has made the following changes to our senior student school return procedures this week.

We understand that this is another change and thank you for your patience while we navigate these swiftly changing times and do our best in the interests of the safety of our students and staff.

Students coming onsite this week will now be staggered in year levels. Attendance at school is optional, and all students can continue learning from home if they wish.

Please note, teachers will use Google classroom to share classroom resources and instructions as they normally would when working onsite, and be in touch regarding connecting online learners to the classroom.

Week 2

Tuesday 26 October       

Staff only

Wednesday 27 October
Day 3 on the Timetable

Year 13 students only, who need to be onsite for their learning

Thursday 28 October
Day 4 on the Timetable

Year 12 students only, who need to be onsite for their learning

Friday 29 October
Day 5 on the Timetable

Year 11 students only, who need to be onsite for their learning


As previously stated, ALL students, whether online or in class, will work to the following bell times:

9am:                      Period 1
10am:                   Period 2
11am:                   Interval
11:30am:             Period 3
12:30pm:             Lunch
1pm:                     Period 4
2pm:                     Period 5
3pm:                     School finishes

Online learners should continue using Google Classrooms, working at their own pace, however any Google Meets will be scheduled within the bell times above.  Your teacher will confirm these with you.

Please note: the official L1 DCAT examination will still take place on Wednesday 27 October.

Given the number and speed of changes currently occurring, we will confirm Weeks 3, 4 and 5 later this week (NCEA exams begin in Week 6.) However, to assist with planning, this is our thinking to date:

Weeks 3 and 4  
The following Years levels will be onsite. Please note, attendance is optional.       






Years 12 and 13

Years 11 and 13


Years 12 and 13

Years 11 and 13


Years 12 and 13


Week 5
Study Leave at home for all senior levels.

If your daughter wishes to continue learning from home and you haven’t yet notified the school, please email her Deans so her teachers can be prepared:

Will Anderton:
Katie Pearson:

Louise Clouston: 
Lucy Robinson:

Kate Lawrence:

Maggie Cogger-Orr:


Nicola Ov:
Rachel Carson:

Ella Wilson:
Ashley Longstaff:


There has been notification of Auckland Transport bus information which you can find HERE.